Building adaptability from the floor up.
Ideal for high-density, highly networked open office areas, Carrier¡¯s flexible Axis Underfloor system provides a complete air distribution solution that can easily be reconfigured, reduces operating costs, improves indoor air quality and boosts building productivity by giving occupants greater control over their environment.
AXIS™ Variable Volume Diffuser Plenums with Damper 35BF-V 50 to 325 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ Rectangular Floor Grille 35BF-CT 50 to 325 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ Linear Floor Diffuser Plenum 35BF-D Up to 325 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ High Induction Underfloor Swirl Diffuser 35BF-R Up to 120 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ Fan-Powered Zone Mixing Box 45X 50 to 6,200 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ Access Floor Terminal, Underflow Series 45U 280 to 1,200 Nominal Cfm
AXIS™ Access Floor Terminal Perimeter Fan Coil 42K 325 to 2,800 Nominal Cfm